Amon will visiting us in Mill Valley on Thursday! This is now "Come and See California".
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Pastor Chris is working hard on CASA website
We have not heard from CASA house in Rwanda for a few days because Robina is out of the CFH. Right now Robina is on the road somewhere between Rwanda and Kenya. She usually update what is going on for us frequenty. She is gone since Monday, and she will be back in Butare next Monday, I think. Frank sent me a brief e-mail yesterday that he is going to meet with Mr. Kim and also he will host 100 days Hope people at the CFH.
When Simon visited us, he made CASA web page templates, and now Chris is putting the content in. There are lots of work involved. Here is the work in progress:
Please pray for Robina's safe trip and activities for CFH while Robina and Frank are out. Also pray for Pastor Chris. He is waiting to hear from the church that we believe and feel right for him to serve.
Posted by
Come and See Africa
7:05 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
CASA January 2006 report from Robina
God is doing wonderful things in Rwanda through people like Robina, Frank, Immaculate, and others... I want to post this report so anyone who is interested in Come and See Africa ministry can have an idea what the Christian Fellowship House for National University of Rwanda is doing. This house is less than 2 months old, but it is doing wonderful things to brining God's people together. In my mind the secret for the CFH is prayers. They have 5:30 AM morning prayers and devotion and open the door for 24 hours a day for Prayer Closet. God will honor their effort. I thank God for Robina, her love for God, her creativity. Please continue to pray for her and for the house activities.
***Robina's report***
CASA has visited 2 churches and these are LIFE TRNSIFORMATION CHURCH and ASSEMBLIES OF GOD. These churches have given us a great welcome and they have promised us a great corporation.
I have shared a lot with people from LIFE TRANSIFORMATION CHURCH and our sharing concerned the word of GOD. among the people that came also the pastor of LTC was inclusive. 10 People dropped at the house to share with me the word of GOD and we even prayed together.
More than 20 came from different churches and also students of NUR came and are still coming. I have shared and prayed with 5 girls of NUR and they received a blessing from CASA.
We are so much blessed because our prayer closet. I have received 8 people. One was a pastor and another one was an Evangelist from Restoration church of Kigali and the rest are UNR students. Now there is also a Mum from the NUR who will finish her prayers on Monday.
CASA has hosted four meetings from different groups and these groups are:
1. student leaders
2. New Generation
3. Pastor’s meeting (2)
4. LT Church choir
5. CASA staff meeting
I have carried different sessions of counseling and some I have finished with them. These are:
1. 4 students of NUR
2. 2 mothers
3. 1 father (old man of 39 years)
There are others that am still carrying on.
Am done with one lady called Jane. She is a primary four drop out and now she can trace cite the bible very well. Soon she will be able to participate in sharing the word of GOD with us in our devotions.
We carry our morning devotions daily from 5:30 – 6:30AM in the morning due to different reasons. These are:
1. Students have to prepare for their classes as early as possible
2. The business people have to go and prepare themselves so early
3. It is a season of planting , those who dig have also to do it.
After seeing that their request of changing the time was worthy, I had to abide with the situation wholeheartedly.
Since 13th Dec 2005, a register was set fro those that come daily for the morning devotion. I also record in that register the preacher and the sermon preached.
13TH DEC 10 FRANK EXOD 3;13-14
14TH DEC 10 FRANK 1 COR 13: 1-12
15TH DEC 12 FRANK PHIL 4: 4 – 9
16TH DEC 14 ROBINA 2 CHLON 20:5- 15
20TH DEC 12 FRANK 1 TIM 4:11 -15
22ND DEC 15 PETITE ECCL 1:1- 11
23RD DEC 13 CLAUDINE GEN 22:3 – 14
24TH DEC 16 WILLY MARK 5:1-11
26TH DEC 8 FRANK MATTH 25:1-13
28TH DEC 16 FRANK MATTH 6:24-27
29TH DEC 15 FRANK JOHN 4;30-38
30TH DEC 15 FRANK MARK 10: 46-56
31ST DEC 12 FRANK JOHN 5: 1-8
2ND JAN 2006 18 FRANK ROMANS 3:10-12
9TH JAN 12 FRANK EXOD 10:9-10
10TH JAN 12 FRANK 1 KINGS 19:19
11TH JAN 16 JACK LUKE 19:1
16TH JAN 18 FRANK 1 KINGS 17; 1-8
18TH JAN 16 FRANK 2 KINGS 7:3-16
20TH JAN 11 FRANK MARK 6;45-52
21ST JAN 14 STEVEN JOHN 5:1-9, MARK 7:1-7
So that is how our devotions are and now we are having pastor Paul Gasigi starting teaching on Tuesday 24th Jan 2006.
CASA is a blessing to students. A minute per minute am receiving students from NUR A good example is today 22nd Jan when 14 of them came directly to visit the ministry. They all came together from the Heart of worship and came to the ministry.
Student’s leaders also came and we talked a bout the big gospel campaign that will commence on 5th FEB 2006 up to 19th FEB 2006.
They come in time to time especially evening ours after their classes and recording them is not easy due to their frequent visitations.
We received numerous number of people of different dignitaries and we hope more are coming. Those that came are;
1. The bishop of EER and his delegation
2. Two professors of NUR
3. A police commander of BUTARE Province
4. An army officer from Kigali (CAPTAIN)
5. A journalist from Radio Salus (NUR’s Radio)
We hope more are coming.
I believe that nothing am doing in Butare apart from supporting CASA and for sure to me I fell am doing my best to the extent of creating other new things that I found not existing. These are like counseling, teaching some people how to read and cite the bible, allowing to be waking up at 5:00 AM to prepare for the devotion and more others as we shall be communicating.
My prayer is that may my good Lord grant me the anointing of creativity, wisdom and favor that I may real discover more new things. I believe my request God will grant it.
I visited Radio Salus (NUR’s RADIO) and in very few hours our announcements and adverts will be hear in the whole of RWANDA. To me that is not enough I hope God will open my eyes to see other strategies of how CASA can reach her goals.
About the number of hours I work, its hard one to evaluate him or her self but I surely know that I work. Just imagine am like a mother at home, very early in the morning am out of the bed for devotion and I go to bed almost mid night. One can wonder what am I doing for all these hours? But a mother at home can easily answer that question.
No week end since I receive students on Saturday and on Sunday having Agape.
JACK is doing good in fact he has sent you greetings. He has lost some weight due to malaria he suffered last December for few days. He recovered and he is blessed.
PASCAZI is one the happiest person I have at CFH. She is missing pastor Chris so much and her prayers is that my pastor be back as soon as possible.
She is waiting to see Frank shifting and she begins her classes of tailoring. She is in love with me and it also challenges me how she really loves me. I also pray to be a good mother to her because she calls me all the names she wants. Some times Robina or Aunt or Mum. Which ever she comes across she calls me.
She is also in good terms with FRANK and the wife with Petite their House girl. She also set a day fro prayers, every Friday she has to fast and pray also Petite prays on Tuesdays.
Recently Frank told me that he met a pastor and they congratulated him that CASA is training good Christians due to the morning devotion that we make daily.
For the students it is so great. One evangelist who came for private prayers told me that he has never seen a wonderful moment like the one he had at CASA.
There is a day when God surprised me when a lady called Jane brought me a baby who was almost dying, the baby had all the signs of a dead person but he was still breathing. Jane brought her son while crying and that was immediately after devotion. I prayed for the baby and immediately he came back to his senses. They took him to the Hospital and the following day he was discharged.
Personally CASA blesses me every day and I hope for the best.
My dear ones for sure do me a favor to give you a financial report with effect from FEBUARY 2006. Am not a signatory of the money at the bank, so how do you expect me to know that? Yes Frank can tell me that we have this amount or that we have deposited this amount. But my request is that you grant me that favor if you find it worthy. For I thought that IMMACULATE will be doing that monthly.
If my request granted let me know.
1. Pray for God’s presence at CFH for I wish it to be a quenching point for those that are thirsty for Christ.
2. My trip to Kenya and to get what the Lord wants CASA to get.
3. Pascazi is of feelling well for she has flu
4. God to give more wisdom and favor especially with students.
5. In mid Feb, CASA has to present her vision, mission and also to share the word of God at Radio salus. So my dear ones pray for me as am preparing my self for it.
Posted by
Come and See Africa
7:06 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Board meeting
Jean came from Portland to help to file an application for the Come and See Africa as a non-profit. Simon is here also for the meeting. Chris and Jean work on it for a few days, and they work very hard on it. Robina is really good with communication and let us know what is going on at CFH. I hope she will have a fruitful time at Kenya. Robina takes her job very seriously, and her heart is on God.
Posted by
Come and See Africa
11:34 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Dear Friends at CASA,
I have been praying about a special mission for CASA and the Christian Fellowship House. Please let me share this idea with you. Frank, pay attention, because you might head this up. -- Amon, I hope that you can help too.
As I see it, we have two major groups that CASA supports: first is NUR students, second is Butare pastors (and Christian groups). What could CASA do to organize the first group (NUR students) to help out the second group (Rwanda pastors). I think that the answer is "translation".
What would you think if CASA made an organized effort to translate Christian study material and devotional material from English (or French) into Kinyarwanda using NUR volunteers? And then provide this material to pastors in Rwanda at no cost? I am not talking about large books, but small things. One idea is a daily devotional -- from January first to December last. There are many of these daily devotionals in America. Is there anything in Rwanda? Yet, if you read a short devotional everyday -- and translate it daily into Kinyarwanda -- then in a year Rwandan pastors could have a daily devotional. There are so many talented NUR students who are looking for a way to serve God and serve Rwanda at the same time. This is a way they could do it according to their talent and their schedule. This could be individual work (one person works on a small piece alone) then it could be collaborative (other people polish the text).
For example, Robina could teach her Esther class in English, but two or three NUR students could be writing the lectures in Rwandan. Robina and the students could then polish up the notes and provide them to pastors. One page of good translation a day could greatly benefit Rwandan pastors. What could we do in ten years?
I believe that this would truly bless the NUR translators and it would truly bless the readers.
I want to know what you believe. Can this work?
Please share your thoughts.
Blessings, Chris
Posted by
Come and See Africa
11:11 PM
Christian Fellowship House Prayers
Dear Robina,
Thank you for your detailed information. I feel like I am right there next to you. How nice that you have a devotion at 6:00 am. God will bless all of you who attend that early and seek out His face. You are really challenging me and Pastor Chris to be diligent prayers. Korean churches have early morning devotional meetings, but there is no such thing in American church. I attend Korean church at 7 am devotion on Saturday morning, and I am always glad that I got up early and went to it. So it is nice to hear that Christian Fellowship House is doing an early morning devotional meeting.
I thank God that you are there to set the pattern for the CFH from the start. I can see many are getting blessed because of your dedication and passion to our Lord. I don't know whether you can access internet easy or not. I have set up a blog site for Come and See Africa. Please check it out, and mark it.
you can leave a comment on the blog site if you like. Actually I would love it if you leave a comment. I posted your last e-mail. I think many people who are praying for the ministry will read and see what Come and See does. When you send an mail about what you do, I will post on the blog (of course I will not post things that is private). Please pray for us. We will have CASA board meeting on Friday. My son, Simon is flying from New York to attend the meeting, and also pastor Chris' sister from Portland is flying from Portland to attend the meeting. This is the first board meeting. In addition to the board meeting, I have a few more for you to pray for us.
1. Open doors for pastor Chris to preach Gospel and to introduce Come and See Africa in SF area
2. Raise funds to expand CASA ministry in Rwanda.
3. Get the property to build an Education Center
4. Pray for me that I am going to give a workshop for Japanese professors next week. Ten professors are coming from Japan, and I will teach how to be an effective teacher in the university setting. As you know there are very few Christians in Japan, I hope I can be of a good Christian witness to them.
Have a wonderful day,
Posted by
Come and See Africa
7:10 PM
Robina, you are great!
It was always good to hear news from Rwanda. I am so encouraged by Robina, her commitment and her dedication. Just like Korean early morning prayers, she is doing it at 6 a.m. every morning. Praise God for her diligence. I need to get up early and have my devotion time at 6 am. The people at CFH really inspired me to do it with them. Thanks, Robina, Frank and everyone at CFH.
Here is a part of Robina's e-mail that encouraged me..
Thanks a lot or you good communication. We are so good at CASA and we are seeing God’s presence. Am doing some activities at the CFH and as am still waiting for the University to begin and start up immediately because time wasted can not be gained at all.
Every morning from 6:00 -7:00 we carry out our devotion because it is a season of farming and many people wants to go for digging and others in different programs. After that I continue to make the outline of the book of Esther that I was told to teach according to the program of the Academic director. I also receive many people that are different because since the ministry was opened officially people were welcomed at the house and so I have to welcome them and we share together the word of God, we pray together and we fellowship together.
When the university students start up well and of which they had already began but they are still in different movements of lodging and setting up their time table for the academics. I will start with them next week and now am drafting a program of how am to meet their leaders firstly.
Am praying unto God to give me wisdom of how to do His work of which CASA is a priority. I don’t see it as
pastor Chris and Kim’s ministry but as the WILL OF GOD ON THE EARTH. Therefore I serve CASA with my heart as
am serving my Almighty GOD.
Otherwise am doing good and with the Spirit of God as my helper.
Posted by
Come and See Africa
8:41 AM