Thursday, September 28, 2006

Report from Robina

I hope you are doing good.

Here is a short report of this week.


A Ladies two days seminar on the theme of: A lady at
home, a lady in the work of God. It is being given out
by Pastor Peace and Pastor Agnes both from
Kigali.(15th - 16th) and 24 ladies attended.

Medical students association with Ev Galikida from
Nigeria (14th-15th) with a theme: Back to the word.

Morning devotion studying, The authority is mine,
devil I am not afraid of you. By Robin and 28-30 old
people are turning up.


The next step is to check with other laws about the
rules to be followed in modifying the statute. This is
the 7th step out of 9 steps.

Pastor Paul is working on the action plan.


Tomorrow on 16th in the evening there is a meeting
with the GBU leader for futher information and to see
the next step.

Yesterday we met with three students and are willing
to volunteer in CASA when they are free.

One pastor who is the president of CNLS in Rwanda will
be a guest speaker in Jan session and he will
transport himself. He told me that he is willing to
help CASA as he can.


We are fine and pascazia is prayers with her choir for
two days.
jACK Is fine and his wife is helping during the since
pascazia is in prayers.

Be blessed.

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