Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Having a great time

I have 12 kids in my 5th and 6th grade class this week. We have over 30 students enrolled in this year's VBS. God made a way for us again. Knowing we have only one kid in our regular Sunday School, our church prepared a VBS with faith that God will provide kids. Where these kids came from? Fifteen kids came from a Hispanic church, and rest of children are grand children of our congregation.

I thought I would never be able to keep up with 10 year olds, but I am doing Okay. They are great kids, and fun to be with. I teach them two 30 min. sessions each day. The topic of this year's VBS is "How Heros are Made". Heros know their roles and they know their game plans. Kids are playing a ball game outside. I am taking my break while they take their craft class and sport class.

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