Sunday, January 04, 2009

We are doning fine

We arrived in Butare Rwnada on Dec. 30th, and had a wonderful worship service at the Pastor Paul's church. It was an all night service; praising, giving testimonies, reading the Words, and preaching. I can't believe several hundreds came to the service, and they stayed up all night. Here are some photos of our activities so far. We, nine of us, are at the Pastor Paul's house for a dinner before the New Year's Eve service. We worked on the consturction site, the future Lighthouse. There are 44 holes for 44 pillars. We also worked with kids at the CASA house. Paul Kim broung little computer game device, and children are amazed with the little thing can do. Tabatha, Cody, and Grace worked with children; playing games, coloring, singing songs in English, playing tatter ball. You also will see what we eat. Jack, the CASA night watchman is holding a cute chicken which soon to be on our dinner table. Internet connection is really slow here.

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