Sunday, March 08, 2009

This can happen to your grandmother

I don't have digital TV conversion problem since I don't own a TV. But most of our church people (there are more than half of our congregation members are over 70) have to convert their TV. I didn't even think about asking how they are managing this conversion problem.

I got this wonderfully funny video from Dr. Ellen Wagner's site. I have to ask her if the lady is her mother whom she talked about in our class. I thought this Youtube video is so funny. But it is not so funny when it is a reality that our seniors have to deal with. As we use more technology tools to connect with each other, we need to think about accessibility issues.

1 comment:

Alex Streczyn-Woods said...

Yeah, that's funny, but also sad and scary. One of the things I was thinking about during Dr. Wagner's discussion about the elderly and accessibility is that I got my husband's whole family on Facebook so that his grandmother could stay connected with us. Unfortunately, she doesn't get internet connection in her nursing home! We're all on there connecting with eachother, but our main goal was to keep her involved in our lives. Boo hoo!