Saturday, July 10, 2010

VBS time again

Our church runs a Vacation Bible School every summer.  It is a full blown program for a week for all ages, from 3 year old and up.   I am in charge of adult class.  I have fun doing different kinds of activities together, we socialize, eat, do craft projects, study Words, sing, and do games, and much more.  My students are from age 20 to 95 years old.  

I used to attend a VBS as a child, then became a VBS teacher while I was in college, then there was no more VBS in my life until I came to the First Southern. Nowadays, most churches don't have VBS program.  Kids have too many other activities to do during the summer,  I am told that that is one of reasons for the end of VBS for many churches. 

At our church, we decide to go upstream and resume the program 4 years ago.  There are almost 30 plus adult volunteers for the program every year, and we draw around 30 to 40 kids to the program.   I know that it is a lot of work for the low attendance, but it is good for us to continue to do it.  If one child can learn about the love of God through the program, that is truly worth of our effort.  So here we are.  

We are doing it again this year, from July 11th through July 16th.  We will meet at 6 p.m to 8:30 p.m every evening at First Southern.    Everyone will learn something new and we will have fun.  

Kindergarten class builds a church

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